I always talked about expecting less from car rental services. I was never keen on hiring a car while driving through a place which is unknown, especially with my kids. Every time we went for holidays we hired a taxi service to assist us in reaching places we thought off. The price tag on such services was never a problem for me as safety of my kids was the prominent concern.
A month ago, we went for the yearly international holidays with my family. I live with two kids, my wife, and my mother. As I told you I always opted for taxi services but this time I was pushed to change my decision by my family. They wanted no outside person to be with us while we were in that fantastic place. I searched for the best car renting services in Dubai and prox9.com was the website I encountered.
I was really impressed by their car collection as I am a car fanatic myself. They had almost all the high-end cars which were not available with other service providers. Our stay was for 10 days, so I hired an Audi Q5 and a GMC Silverado 2017 for 5 days each. I did this to provide more fun for my family with the benefit of two cars in case one did not meet our expectation.
I was proven wrong as both the cars performed really well. Before taking my family on a ride I tested both the cars on their extreme and both of them gave a positive performance. Finally, I got assured about my family’s wellbeing. We travelled around the entire city visiting all the places that we decided to go. The ride was very comfortable, kudos to the perfect road conditions of Dubai. My always judgemental mother was happy with the car’s performance which increased my satisfaction level.
All in all, going for prox9.com was a good decision. If I would not have rented the car my family could have reacted otherwise. Thanks a lot, to these people who have made travelling easier in Dubai. Before going for any other rental service do not forget to check out their offers. They are the best.